I Heart Hearts
I’m just a girl in the world and I unapoligetically love heart motifs. I came out of the birth canal with a sticker book filled with them, bestowing them on any surface that seemed fit including my earlobes. For me leopard prints, stars and hearts are always in fashion and no matter how many times they are reinvented or reimagined they feel good. Hearts simply make me happy. So, it should come as no surprise that the latest trend, the oversize heart earring has struck a chord with me and frankly, I’m celebrating. This isn’t simply a “Valentines Day” trend. The heart earring is gaining fashion momentum and this is just the beginning.
Yesterday, on the Today Show, I showed several looks and ideas to kick off the new fashion season. Here are a few things I’m excited about:
HEARTS- in case you are skimming I am buying a pair of oversize heart earrings right now. You can shop a few of my favorites below!
TIE DYE PRINTS- This is a new print that is taking the fashion world by storm. Replace the idea you have of a Grateful Dead Band Tee with an image of more artful watercolor style tie dye. Many of them feel feminine.
BLAZER DRESSES- if you are a short dress kind of gal and are looking for a new idea this is fresh!! It’s the evolution of the suit dressing we have been seeing.
JUMPSUITS- this red carpet season has made them look good again! It’s always a good idea to have one you feel great in in your rotation. You never know where you might be invited!
Shop the looks!
Happy Early Valentine’s Day.